Stereo Chat Board Archives

We have archived the messages on the Stereo Chat Board for your convenience. They are grouped by month, and run first-to-last (unlike the active Chat Board, which is latest-first.) Eventually, the oldest messages will be removed from the active board and placed here.

If you know which month you would like to review, just click on that month, below. We have also added a search engine that will locate any words anywhere on the Both Sides Now Website. To find key words, just type them in the field below. For a group of words, such as an artist's name, put them in quotation marks (e.g., "Ray Charles"). The search engine will look through all chat board archives pages, as well as the discography pages and anything else on the site. It will give you the title of the page (as a link) as well as the context in which the keywords are found. Once you get to the correct page, use your "Find" utility (Control-F on most browsers) to go directly to the text you want.


June, 1997
July, 1997
August, 1997
September, 1997
October, 1997
November, 1997
December, 1997

January, 1998
February, 1998
March, 1998
April, 1998
May, 1998
June, 1998
July, 1998
August, 1998
September, 1998
October, 1998
November, 1998
December, 1998

January, 1999
February, 1999
March, 1999
April, 1999
May, 1999
June, 1999
July, 1999
August, 1999
September, 1999
October, 1999
November, 1999
December, 1999

January, 2000
February, 2000
March, 2000
April, 2000

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